Crypto currency backed by trees

crypto currency backed by trees

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Forestcoin: the cryptocurrency based on planting trees
Trees, Water & People Now Accepts Cryptocurrency. Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more. Much has been written about the energy intensive nature of. The ECO Coin is a cryptocurrency backed by trees that ensures that sustainability is no longer a moral imperative, but an economic decision. Currently forestcoin is in stage 1 and tree planters receive 10 coins per tree planted. See The Full Coin Release Program. How it works.
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The above diagram represents the Merkle root of the block, the Branches, and the Leaf nodes. This centralized server is publicly accessible for everyone on the network to track software changes in the source code throughout its development history. The excess is stored value. Population - 8. Get whitepaper I want to stay up to date with treecoin news By subscribing you agree to with our Privacy Policy and provide consent to receive updates from our company.